Thursday, May 29, 2008

Web 2.0 Course Feedback

This was the first time that I had ever taken an on-line course of any kind and at first,I was very intimidated and slightly overwhelmed at the prospect of trying to accomplish the unknown. At first, I found following the directions a bit confusing as if there were steps missing in the instructions. Most of us were novists and perhaps the steps should be "baby steps" next time and the only thing I could compare that with would be like using a "GPS" system when it tells you to TURN NOW. I thought that Lori was very helpful with any questions that needed to be answered and very patient with my multiple inquiries during the course.
Once I started moving about the wonderful world of the web, I realized that there was so much out there that I never knew existed. I had heard of people having blog sites but until I had to create one and keep adding to it on a regular basis, I realized how consumed one can become and lose track of all time. To be able to read different peoples view of education like Kevin Honeycutt's "Virtual Imagination and Dr. Zhao's "Looking Towards the Future" was an eye opener as to where the path of education is headed. Finding out about websites such as Teacher Tube, Nextvista and even wikis that I can share with my students was extremely helpful.
Would I recommend this course to others.....absolutely!!! I have been telling everyone who was willing to listen about this amazing course and everything that I was learning and perhaps using some of this information in the classroom. I would love to take other on line courses to broaden my horizons and knowledge into the "wonderful world of the computer"
Thank you Lori for all your hard work in creating this course and helping us learn and grow.