Monday, December 3, 2007

School 2.0 "Direction of the Future"

The idea or vision of School 2.0 might just prove to be the way of the future. I particularly like the concept of The People Wheel that gets many people involved in the lives of our young people. It is important to remember that it "Takes a whole village to raise a child" which could make School 2.0 a valuable asset. It would allow parents, school staff,as well as administrators to give our students the best possible education that can be achieved. The fact that ideas and suggestions can come from multitudes of areas is amazing. The one thing that I found a bit over-powering was the School Map which I found a touch confusing and a bit invasive. Should everyone be involved and connected all the time or should there be some down time? The one question that I have is when issues are discussed, who ultimatly makes the decisions for change and when are these changes implemented? Perhaps this should be incorporated into the overall scheme of School 2.0.

1 comment:

Brian McDowell said...


I too like the "People Wheel" idea but agree with you about needing some downtime. One of the things I like about leaving town is not being able to receive messages on my ambulance pager- it is a refreshing break to have it off of my hip. If everyone is connected 24/7 there will certainly have to be some boundaries set as to how connected we need to be at certain times of the day.