Sunday, November 4, 2007

Video Sharing Sites- Are They Good or Bad?

I have just finished wandering through and learning about 4 different video sharing sites and I am amazed at the sameness yet differences of these learning tools. The first site that I explored was which is a non profit organization and is totally filtered and I was impressed with the educational content and relivance of the site. There were three different areas within the site such as Lightbulbs, Global Views, and Seeing Service that all had good visual as well as good explanation of subject matter such as history, math, art, and science. This video site would be a wonderful tool for writing research papers because of the many areas that are covered. The site is very easy to work through and I believe that having the students use this site would prove to be very exciting.
Another video site was Clipblast which is also a free commercial site and the worlds largest video tool but unfortunatly this site is not filtered and at times there is no accessing it from school computers. Along this same line of video sites was You Tube which is also a non-filtered site which may have inappropriate subject matter for students at school to access but it is a good site for many people. The last of the sites that I visited was Teacher Tube which was easy to use and a good educational tool for science, history, or math projects just to name a few uses. There was a very nice feature called "Featured Videos of the Day" which kept abreast of daily themes and activities. I do believe that this could also be a good tool to use in a school setting. I am truely amazed at what is being offered to our young people as searching tools and it can only get better with time.

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