Monday, December 3, 2007

A Time For Reflection 3

After completing this amazing course, I have come to realize that there is a whole different "Technological World" out there to be used and incorporated into our everyday teaching activities. I know that I will try to continue and grow in my knowledge and use of the many different tools that have been provided to me. There are so many different avenues of learning that I can share with my students and hope that they will come away with a positive experience. I would like to be able to have them use the different web sites such as Clipblast, and Teacher Tube in the Resource Room to allow them to succeed in their studies as well as grow as a learner. I think that a school based blog should be set up for the students to use so that we might hear and see what their thoughts and visions are for their future. After all, this is their education and I think that perhaps they should have a right to have a voice. So in conclusion to my reflection; after having a shaky start when I started lesson #1 and then gaining my confidence as I progressed further into my lessons and actually enjoying them, I would like to thank Lori for allowing me to grow as an educator and perhaps learn some new "tricks of the trade".


Brian McDowell said...


Using Clipblast, and Teacher Tube in your resource room will definitely be an asset to your students. I tried to use these resources though and ended up at youtube because it has so much more content to choose from (I was looking for earthquake footage) but hopefully Teacher Tube et. all will increase thier content. I feel just like you that I started a bit shaky but grew in confidence and knowledge in each lesson. Lori did to a great job. See you around, Brian

Kathy N said...

I believe that, at least in my case, there is a whole level of technolgy I had left unexplored and I now see all the possibilities for utilizing this technology in the classroom setting and in general.
Your thoughts on a high school blog were interesting and some thoughtful blogs from students with visions for the future would help me help them. That is a concept that you should propose, maybe in our co-teaching class.

Laurie O'Reilly said...

I agree that there is so much out there that I never knew anything about. But more importantly I now realize the urgency with teaching our students how to use the technology and making it a part of their everyday life as it will have to be in the future. I am very excited to explore new ways to bring our students the curriculum they need and to new ways of them being able to express their learning!