Sunday, November 11, 2007

Reflections 2-Wikis- "Wonderful Way to Go"

After using the many different communication tools such as Collaborative Bookmarking with del.ici.ous and Video Links, I believe that Wikis as a classroom tool was the most interesing tool that I read about and used. I like the fact that students would be able to collaborate and use information from many people on many different projects like research papers and Literary Essays. Working in a Special Education Resource Room and having to support many different students with different learning capabilities,being able to direct them to a Wikis site such as Next Vista.Org that incorporates many new and innovative learning tools. The site has an on-line library that the students could use in the Resource Room under supervision to show them what directions to take to make them successful with their curriculum. I have found that High School students are very eager to learn and use new ideas and be able to find new ways to feel good about themselves and be able to say "I did that myself and I am proud"


Kathy N said...

The on-line library site was one I missed and am anxious to visit. I am slowly grasping what constitutes a blog, a wiki, a website, and which to choose when the need arises.

I am still a bit confused as to what category the videos/podcasts fall-blog or wiki or website-or can they be all three? Either way, I agree that our students can definitely benefit from exposure to the support provided by both teachers and other students on these instructional exchanges.

indak said...

I think you are exactly right about students feeling good about themselves. Our students love anything to do on the computer or internet. It is like a transformation when they get in front of the computer to work. I believe they feel successful and confident in this environment.